CEU alumni and friends closed 2020 by raising nearly $140,000 in support of CEU through last month's Trustee Matching Challenge, providing vital support that enables CEU to continue providing the highest quality education for outstanding students from around the world.
“I want to thank the friends and alumni of CEU who rose to meet our Trustee match in December," said Board Development Chair Kati Marton, who launched the challenge at the November 30 Day of Thanks event. "Your support will empower talented students and build upon 2020’s hard-won successes. It is with great excitement that we now look towards a brighter 2021 and furthering CEU’s mission."
Members of the CEU Board of Trustees offered to match gifts to CEU one for one if a goal of raising $100,000 was met during December 2020. The CEU donor community met the goal, meaning the total raised is $239,000.
Joining the challenge were 293 donors contributing a total of $139,440. CEU alumni participation made up 95 percent of contributing individuals, generating $76,910 of the funds raised. Friends of CEU gave a total of $62,530.
"I think CEU does a whole lot for us students, I'm glad I can give my little bit,” said Esther Ebimoghan (Nigeria, Legal Studies '20), a former Alumni Scholarship Recipient.
“The more time passes, the more I'm grateful for what CEU gave me," said Biljana Lalic (Croatia, Nationalism Studies '16). "Giving back and supporting students that I once was feels so good! It's like finally being able to treat your parents with a nice dinner after them feeding you for so long.”
The campaign's success demonstrates the depth and breadth of the CEU community’s support of the university’s future. The Matching Challenge funds will advance university priorities such as the new undergraduate programs, planning for CEU’s future campus at Steinhof, the Democracy Institute and, most importantly, aid for students, including through the Alumni Scholarship Program.
To the Trustees, donors and CEU’s global network of alumni who made the Matching Challenge a success, Vice President for Development Trisha Tanner said,
“We are so grateful for your generosity. Your gift is already making a difference. We couldn’t have reached our 2020 goal without each and every one of you. On behalf of the entire CEU community, thank you!”